- This website has been developed from the project “Development of Digital Key for Neuroptera (Insecta) associated with Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) of West Bengal: A Numerical Taxonomic Approach” sponsored by West Bengal Department of Science, Technology & Biotechnology ( Project No. 234(Sanc)/ST/P/S&T/1-G32/2017)
- The Content of the website can be translated in any language of the world by “Selecting the Language” tab
- The “Home” contain the general descriptions of 4 (Four) Aphidophagous (Aphid Predator) families of the Order Neuroptera (Insecta) for common people
- The “Fauna” contains the Genus and Species of Aphid Predator Neuroptera found in West Bengal, India. (Not all the species are identified yet)
- The “Tutorial” contain all the taxonomic characters (with drawings) considered for identification of Neuroptera for those, who are interested in taxonomy of Insects
- The “Review” contain the usefulness of Aphid Predator Neuroptera, their biology, evolution and other information for common people
- The “Digital Key” has been developed for “Families” and “ Genus” found in West Bengal, India [Species Key is yet to be completed]
- If anyone is interested in Neuropteran Taxonomy, he/she can identify the “Family” and “Genus” by selecting specific morphological character(s) using “Digital Key”
- The “Bibliography” contains the literatures we have consulted for this project
- Everyone is cordially requested to response through “Feed Back” as this website is in its’ “Developmental stage”. We need your “suggestions” for further development.
Thanking you in anticipation of favourable response
Dr. Santi Ranjan Dey
Assistant Professor & PI,
Department of Zoology,
Rammohan College,
Kolkata 09, WB, India.